
Almost Finished…

AU Quad2

AU Quad2.jpg

Well, the time has come – it’s the end of the fall semester. For the IAP crew, that means we are officially finished with our first semester at the program. For the IAP students, that means the end of a challenging first semester in the US. Big milestones for everyone!

We are extremely proud of our students for the hard work they put in to their classes for the last few months, and the ways that they have successfully adapted themselves to this new, strange American environment (and, man oh man, it has been strange here in the US at times!). But even though the classes are over, there is still one more hurdle this week: final exams! We’re sure our students will see them through and make it to the light at the end of the tunnel that is spring semester. 😉

Our MAP students will have a progression ceremony on Thursday, December 15, to celebrate their successful completion of the program. Although we’ll be sad to see them less around the office, they’ve worked extremely hard and earned their way to this next step!

Also, as one of the Student Services Advisors here at IAP, I can confirm that the SSA Academy that we had last week in Chicago was both very fun and very freezing thanks to that icy Lake Michigan wind.

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